Our vision is “a Canada that recognizes, respects, and values the integral role of carers in society”. Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for carers through synergistic partnerships and strategic advocacy. Through the leadership of the CHCA, Carers Canada advocates for:

  • Enhanced awareness of caregivers’ roles and value in the health and social care systems
  • Recognition of caregivers and understanding of their unique needs
  • Improved access to caregiver support services, information and peer groups
  • Less financial burden placed on caregivers
  • Supportive workplaces that recognize caregiving obligations


Carers Canada is part of the national and international movement to create policies, programs and services that positively impact the lives of caregivers. Under the governance of the Canadian Home Care Association, Carers Canada work is guided by the following values:

  • Positive leadership
  • Respectful relationships
  • Caregiver involvement
  • Joint responsibility
  • Active communication
  • Purposeful actions

A caregiver (also referred to as carer or family caregiver) is a family member, friend or neighbour who takes on an unpaid caring role for someone who needs help due to a physical or cognitive condition, an injury or a chronic life-limiting illness.


Shared commitment

Carers Canada is a national coalition of diverse federal and provincial organizations that join with carers, providers, policy-makers and other stakeholders to affect positive change for carers. Our partners demonstrate their commitment and support through:

  • Involvement in National Caregiver Day Campaigns
  • Inclusion of their logo on the Carers Canada website
  • Supporting advocacy messages and actions
  • Informing their networks about Carers Canada and our work


Leadership and vision

The Canadian Home Care Association’s vision is an integrated health and social care system that provides seamless person- and family-centred care that is accessible, accountable, evidence-informed and sustainable. Recognizing and supporting caregivers is central to this vision. As health and social care continue to shift from facility-based to home and community, caregivers play a vital role in supporting individuals living with complex, chronic conditions, older adults with a frailty, and those at end-of-life.

Understanding that a broad range of stakeholders, including caregivers, home and community care providers, researchers, governments and non-governmental organizations, must be involved in advancing caregivers’ priorities, the CHCA created Carers Canada as a national coalition with a shared purpose to build awareness and advocacy for caregivers across the country.

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